The leader of the September 2 – 12, 2017 Bosnian Pyramids tour will be Kathleen McGowan, the best selling author of the “Magdalene Line” books, whose group tours of France and the UK have a track record of filling up astonishingly fast.
We recently asked her about Bosnia and we think you will be interested to know some of the things she related.
A Message from Kathleen McGowan About Bosnia
Bosnia is a “next level” spiritual power. When I say it will change you, I mean at the core and cellular level. I may have had an amazing, adventurous, Indiana Jane kind of life, but NOWHERE ON EARTH has impacted me like Bosnia.
There is a reason why traditional historians and archaeologists are afraid of the place. There is a reason why you don’t hear every day that these pyramids are potentially 30,000 years old. There is a reason why the extensive international studies about its power and potential purpose have been buried.To know and understand what is happening in Bosnia, you truly have to go there. You have to experience the power for yourself — let it sink into your human essence and penetrate who and what you are. Your understanding of human potential will be changed utterly.
If you are a lightworker or a healer who wants to take your mission to the next level, making a pilgrimage to Bosnia and spending concentrated time at these sacred sites is like getting a double Ph.D. The data regarding the often miraculous healing effects within the Ravne tunnels is amazing, and also something that needs to be experienced.
If you are a fan of Ancient Aliens, or a supporter of the theories around Atlantis and/or other lost ancient civilizations, Bosnia will expand your understanding of all these subjects.
And then there is the Mary Magdalene connection. Medjugorje is a magical and very powerful feminine place. It is not a coincidence that there were Marian apparitions in the same place there were also Bogomils and pyramids!
If you would like to join me on this adventure of a lifetime, Click Here to get started.
If you would like to get a deeper understanding about the discoveries in Bosnia, we recommend you listen to a recording of an interview Dr. Sam Osmanagich did on a radio station in Ireland. The video is posted below…
The Safety Question
When Body Mind Spirit Journeys announced their tours to Bosnia to see the newly discovered pyramids, some people were concerned about whether or not the trip would be safe, because they associated Bosnia with the war that ended more than two decades ago. Fortunately, the area has been very peaceful and inviting for a long time now. If there were any question about personal safety, BMSJ would not be offering tours. (Have you noticed that they do not have any Egypt programs at the current time?)
Update: Kathleen McGowan’s next Bosnia tour:
March 16-24, 2019 “Healing Energies of the Bosnian Pyramids” tour
with an optional March 24 – 27 extension to Rome.